Worcester State University Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)

Members | Follow @WSU_SAAC On Twitter

President Max Tucker (Ice Hockey)
Vice President Ashley Hurley (Lacrosse)
Secretary Ava Gesner (Lacrosse)
Social Media Representative Kate Stedronsky (Volleyball)
Communications Representative Cody Porcello (Ice Hockey)
Athletics Representative  
Kelly Downs Coordinator of Student-Athlete Support Services


The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) is a committee made up of student-athletes assembled to provide insight on the student-athletes experience. SAAC also offers input on the rules, regulations and policies that affect the student-athletes' lives on NCAA member institution campuses and here at Worcester State University.

The mission statement of the National NCAA SAAC states that the idea behind the organization is to "enhance the total student-athlete experience by promoting opportunity, protecting student-athlete welfare and fostering a positive student-athlete image."

At Worcester State, the committee is composed of both male and female representatives of the student-athlete student body who are charged with the responsibility in assisting in the administrative process of athletic programs and the NCAA, and to recommend, comment and review on the activities and the subjects of interest.

In addition, the SAAC involves its members in local community service projects and in a once a year conference project.

If you are interested in joining SAAC or if you would like more information please contact  Kelly Downs at 508-929-8403.




 The Ultimate Lancer Award


The objective of the Ultimate Lancer Award is to recognize the Worcester State team that displays excellence beyond the playing field. The award encompasses a combination of Academics, Athletics, Career Development, Personal Development and Community Service.

The goal is for teams to attend numerous events that fall into five categories and points are awared for each event throughout the entire academic year.

Student-athletes are encouraged to engage in as many events as possible around campus. Individuals or small groups of team members who attend events can earn points for their team. This includes community service, cultural events, resume writing, workshops, additional sports cames and other activities.

For more information, click on this link, which contains more information about the Ultimate Lancer Award.



SAAC Archives