Intramural Softball Rules
Each player must present a valid WSU ID before each contest to be eligible to participate - No Exceptions.
- A game consists of two teams playing either 7 innings or 50 minutes, whichever comes first.
- If the time reaches 50 minutes before 7 innings have been played, the current inning (top and bottom) will be completed.
- During the regular season, if a game is tied after 7 innings or 50 minutes the game will end in a tie.
- During the playoffs, if a game is tied after 7 innings or 50 minutes, extra innings will be played until a winner is determined.
- Mercy Rule
- If a team is leading by 10 or more runs after 4 innings, that team will be declared the winner.
- Teams shall consist of 10 players batting and in the field.
- In order to start a game a team must have a minimum of 8 players.
- If a team does not have at least 8 players from their roster ready to play 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, the team will forfeit that game.
- If at any point during the game a team drops below 8 players, the team will forfeit.
- A forfeit will be scored 3-0
- Each team must have at least 1 male and 1 female players playing the field at all times.
- If a team does not have two male and two female players, their place in the field may not be filled by a player of the opposite sex. Additionally, a spot in the batting lineup will be replaced with an out for each male or female player not in attendance.
- A maximum of 14 players may be on a team’s roster for the season.
- Players arriving late may be added to the bottom of the batting order at any time.
- Teams shall consist of 10 players batting and in the field.
- Balls and Strikes
- The count begins at 1 ball and 1 strike. After a total of 3 strikes, the batter will be out. After a total of 4 balls, a walk is given to the batter who may advance to first base.
- When the batter has 2 strikes against them, they are permitted one foul ball. After the first foul ball, the second foul ball will result in a third strike and a strikeout.
- A legal pitch must have an arc between 6 ft. – 12 ft. All other pitches will be called illegal by the umpire and will result in a ball. If a batter chooses to swing at an illegal pitch, the ball is live.
- A strike mat will be placed as an extension of home plate. If a legally pitched ball hits the mat or the plate it shall be called a strike. If a legally pitched ball does not hit either the plate or the mat it shall be called a ball.
- Base running
- No base stealing is permitted at any time. If a runner leaves the bag before the ball is hit, the runner will be out.
- Runners may only slide feet first. Sliding head first is prohibited and will result in an automatic out.
- Sliding to “break up” a play or any slide deemed to have the intent to injure is prohibited and will result in ejection from the game.
- Overthrow Rule: Runners will be awarded one base on an overthrown ball. If a runner is in motion towards a base during the overthrow, the runner will be allowed to advance to that base, plus one additional base.
- Infield Fly Rule
- The Infield Fly Rule will be in effect when there are less than two outs and:
- There are runners on first and second or
- The bases are loaded
- The umpire will announce, “Infield Fly” when one of the above conditions exists and a batter hits a pop fly in the infield.
- When the Infield Fly Rule is declared, the batter is automatically out.
- The ball is alive and runners may advance at the risk of the ball being caught. The runner may also tag-up and advance after a defensive player has touched the ball.
- The Infield Fly Rule will be in effect when there are less than two outs and: