Worcester State University - Athletics Staff Directory


Name Title Phone E-Mail
Michael Mudd
Director of Athletics
508-929-8034 mmudd@worcester.edu
John Meany
Deputy Director of Athletics
508-929-8746 jmeany@worcester.edu
Karen Tessmer
Associate Athletic Director/SWA
508-929-8769 ktessmer@worcester.edu
Dave Lindberg
Assistant Athletic Director
508-929-8522 dlindberg@worcester.edu
Krystyanna Ramsdell
Sports Information Director
508-929-8730 kramsdell@worcester.edu
Kelly Downs
Coordinator of Student-Athlete Support Services
508-929-8403 kdowns@worcester.edu
Eliza Kelley
Intramural Coodinator
508-929-8610 ekelley6@worcester.edu
Ann Marie Heyes
Athletics Clerk
508-929-8968 aheyes@worcester.edu
Deb Draper
508-929-8034 ddraper@worcester.edu
Christine Kaniu
Faculty Athletics Representative
Shelby Reaugh
Graduate Assistant- Sports Information
508-929-8730 sreaugh@worcester.edu

Athletic Training

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Kevin MacLennan
Asst. Athletic Trainer/Strength & Conditioning
508-929-8690 kmaclennan@worcester.edu
Jason Anderson
Assistant Athletic Trainer
508-929-8136 janderson20@worcester.edu


Name Title Phone E-Mail
Phil Price III
Head Coach
508-929-8218 pprice@worcester.edu
Dan Balk
Assistant Coach
Phil "Pug" Price Jr.
Outfield Coach
Todd Smith
Hitting Coach/ Recruiting Coordinator
Dave Wigren
Bench Coach

Men's Basketball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Al Pettway
Head Coach
508-241-6162 apettway@worcester.edu
Alan Pettway
Eric Boss
Jared Wibon
Robert Rios

Women's Basketball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Karen Tessmer
Head Coach
508-929-8769 ktessmer@worcester.edu
Meredith Galena
Creative Content Specialist & Program Assistant
508-929-8769 mgalena@worcester.edu
Sacha Ashton
Assistant Coach
Lori Maday
Assistant Coach
508-929-8769 lmaday@worcester.edu
Matt Stevenson
Assistant Coach
508-929-8769 mstevenson1@worcester.edu
Susan Clark
Manager/Hydration Specialist

Men's Cross Country

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Scott VanderMolen
Head Coach
Nicole Gaffney
Assistant Coach- Middle and Long Distance
508-929-8215 ngaffney@worcester.edu

Women's Cross Country

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Scott VanderMolen
Head Coach
Nicole Gaffney
Assistant Coach- Middle and Long Distance
508-929-8215 ngaffney@worcester.edu

Field Hockey

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Sophia Monopoli
Head Coach
508-929-8217 smonopoli@worcester.edu
Emily Saucier
Assistant Coach
Sophia Laperle
Assistant Coach


Name Title Phone E-Mail
Lazaro Mitjans Jr.
Head Coach
Marcus Price '12
Assistant Coach

Men's Golf

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Zachary Grenon '20
Head Coach

Women's Golf

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Zachary Grenon '20
Head Coach

Men's Ice Hockey

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Jay Punsky
Head Coach
508-929-8510 jpunsky@worcester.edu
Richard Feeley
Associate Head Coach
Derek Alfama
Nevin Hamilton
Nick Pennucci

Women's Ice Hockey

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Eliza Kelley
Head Coach
508-929-8610 ekelley6@worcester.edu
Dylan Foran
Assistant Coach
Maddie Rigsby
Assistant Coach: Goaltenders
Mark Clemente
Assistant Coach: Recruiting Coordinator

Women's Lacrosse

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Kelly Downs
Head Coach
508-929-8403 kdowns@worcester.edu
Ariana Waldorf
Assistant Coach
Shea Jarvis
Assistant Coach

Men's Soccer

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Adam Howarth
Head Coach
508-929-8906 ahowarth@worcester.edu
Nick Ferguson
Tony Abdulky

Women's Soccer

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Kevin Cumberbatch
Head Coach
508-929-8924 kcumberbatch@worcester.edu
Tony Abdulky
Megan Gurlitz


Name Title Phone E-Mail
Keri Bianchini
Head Coach
508-929-8216 kbianchini1@worcester.edu
Rachel Economos '92
Volunteer Assistant Coach
Jackie Andry
Assistant Coach

Men's Track & Field

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Scott VanderMolen
Head Coach
Ashley Garvey
Assistant Coach- Throws
Kyle Haley
Assistant Coach- Jumps
Nicole Gaffney
Assistant Coach- Middle and Long Distance
508-929-8215 ngaffney@worcester.edu

Women's Track & Field

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Scott VanderMolen
Head Coach
Ashley Garvey
Assistant Coach- Throws
Kyle Haley
Assistant Coach- Jumps
Nicole Gaffney
Assistant Coach- Middle and Long Distance
508-929-8215 ngaffney@worcester.edu

Women's Volleyball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Bernie Chase
Head Coach
508-929-8925 bchase@worcester.edu
Bryan Russell '10
Assistant Coach
508-929-8925 brussell1@worcester.edu
Amari King
Assistant Coach