This upcoming semester will be very important for all students at Worcester State, as the second semester of the school always seems to be. This is the final time for the graduating class to make lasting memories on campus and as members of the Worcester State community. For all of the first years, this semester, hopefully, is one where they are feeling more comfortable and adjusted to life as a college student. With the new year finally upon us, and well on its way, many students will look to achieve certain goals both academically and socially. The Wellness Center is often where many students go to socialize and participate in group activities, making new friends along the way. For those who have not frequented the spaces in the Wellness Center, now is a great time to see what some of these students have to say about the importance of it to them and why improving your health this semester is always an admirable goal.
Kelsey Armstrong '26 Q&A
How and when did you decide to become a fitness content creator?
Trust me, in no way would I say that I am a "fitness content creator" (yet) but I would love to be! Honestly, in the spring of 2023, I went through a really hard time mentally and ultimately turned to the gym & fitness overall to get myself out of my funk. After putting in the work and effort and truly staying consistent I fell IN LOVE with fitness and everything that it does for my confidence and mental health. Like any girl my age I think social media and TikToks are fun and entertaining but it wasn't until I got my job as social media manager for Recreation & Wellness that I really found a passion for content creation. Since I found that passion, I dropped my major to undecided to explore it as a potential career and I started my own accounts & am truly just focused on having fun with it all! So all of this is very new and recent but I'm truly in love with the life I'm building for myself at the moment!
Do you aim the majority of your content to women?
Honestly this is something I have never thought about until now, but I would say no! I just post what I post & post what I like and with doing that I've gotten a lot of female support and female followers but I've also gotten a lot of male support and followers! I don't "aim" my content at anyone or anything specific at the moment other than just to help others grow their confidence, and maybe help them find someone they relate to, regardless of who needs that! As for the little workouts I've posted so far, those may be more geared towards women only because my fitness goals are probably more feminine, but again I don't have a target audience at the moment and I also try and make them beginner friendly so anyone can do them!
What are some goals you have for yourself this year?
A content creation related goal for 2024: As of now my goal is to post on ALL accounts (personal & Recreation & Wellness ) at least 3x a week! I think for platforms to grow and succeed they need to be posted on frequently and with all the accounts I manage & also being a full time student who works multiple jobs, 3 things a week feels manageable for me right now!
A personal fitness goal for 2024: To simply do a fricken pull up… preferably more than 1 but if I'll I get is 1 I'll take it lol
An overall goal for 2024: I want to put myself out there more & try new things and experiences! I've just flourished with confidence recently and I'm just so excited to see how that evolves and see where it takes me!
What is one fun fact about yourself?
A fun fact about me is that I actually used to shoot Olympic Air Rifle haha, I started shooting when I was about 12 and used to travel all over to compete. I qualified for the Olympic Trials but unfortunately covid ruined that and by the time they rescheduled I had aged out of my division. I had a ton of college scholarships for it but ultimately decided to retire and stay in MA & truthfully don't regret my decision one bit!
Lastly, what is your favorite exercise to do while in the gym?
Cable kickbacks or 21's for sure!
Jonah Reece '25 Q&A
How would you describe the pick up culture that we have at Worcester State?
I'd say that the pick up culture at the Woo is very diverse. Diverse in terms of no matter the skill level of an individual who wants to participate, everyone is very inclusive and encouraging.
How many times a week do you play intramural basketball?
I usually try to go at least 3-4 times a week.
Top three players you've gone up against?
Adam Hillerstrom.
Phillip Derosa.
Michael Hedquist.
Best time to show up for games?
Around 2ish in the afternoon is a good time to show up for games if you don't want to wait too long to play.
Lastly, what was your favorite moment from last year?
They're too many favorable moments to pick from throughout my time playing in open runs, my most memorable ones however have been defensive plays, specifically blocking shots off the backboard.
Ethan Pintor '25 Q&A
How important is fitness to you and do you think it builds a sense of community?
Fitness is very important to me. I love going at least 6 times a week. I think it definitely builds a sense of community. It's the same people that usually go at the same hours too and it's always nice to catch a lift in with your friends or someone new.
How would you encourage someone to get involved in the gym?
I would encourage people to go to the gym because of all the benefits. You stay fit and healthy, become happier with yourself overall and become a part of the community at Worcester state that likes going to the gym.
What are three goals that you have this new year?
Three goals I have for this new year are to incorporate cardio into my workouts more, progress with more weight through the gym, and overall look bigger.
Three exercises you recommend?
Three exercises that I recommend are a flat Dumbbell press to build that chest up, a shoulder press to fill out the shirt and a tricep push down for big arms.
Here are just a few of the many experiences that can be found when you come to the Worcester State Gene J. and Julianna DeFeduis Wellness Center and hopefully the staff will be welcoming you soon!