Wellness Center Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where can I find the most comprehensive Wellness Center information?
A: The Wellness Center page at wsulancers.com is constantly being updated and reviewed. We are constantly increasing our ability to provide live, up to date information at this site.
Q: What is the best way to ask a question or provide feedback?
A: We encourage all users to utilize the wellnesscenter@worcester.edu email address. That address is monitored on a regular basis and, in most cases, responses are provided in 24 hours. Questions to this address help us identify areas where messaging isn’t clear and can even populate this FAQ document. You can also call us at 508-929-8158 during the facility hours.
Q: I am a Worcester State employee, can my spouse or children purchase a Fitness Center membership?
A: Anyone 18 years or older is eligible to purchase a membership. More information can be found here.
Q: I am a Worcester State alumni, can I purchase a Fitness Center membership?
A: Absolutely! Once a Lancer always a Lancer. More information can be found here.
Q: I am a former/retired Worcester State employee, can I purchase a Fitness Center membership?
A: Absolutely! Once a Lancer always a Lancer. More information can be found here.
Q: I am a Worcester State employee who is also taking a class; does that allow me to access the Fitness Center free of charge?
A: Worcester State identifies employees who are taking classes as part of an employee benefit to be employees first thus not allowing for free Fitness Center access. More information can be found here.
Q: Is the elevated walking track available to the public?
A: Yes, Worcester State is pleased to be able to offer the walking track for public use. It is available weekdays before 10am for all members of the Worcester community.
Q: Are there public lockers and shower facilities?
A: Yes, there are men’s and women’s day lockers on the second floor of the facility which both have shower capacity. There is also a, single stall gender neutral locker room restroom on the second floor.
Q: Is the Fitness Center able to be reserved?
A: No, the Fitness Center was designed for campus wide use at all times. There are numerous reservable spaces for campus organizations and external groups, however the Fitness Center is not one of them.
Q: Can my external group rent the Competition or Multipurpose Gymnasium?
A: Yes, after the campus needs have been met, many spaces in the facility are available to be rented out. The best way to gain more information is to visit http://www.worcester.edu/Conference-and-Event-Services/.
Q: I am an employee who would like to purchase a membership, do I pay?
A: You have options to purchase a membership online or in-person during the facility hours. More information can be found here.
Q: How do I register for a Group Exercise Class? Are there fees?
A: Registration for Group Exercise Classes is through the Online Portal. Classes are opened to registration 48 hours prior to the class. There is no fee for Worcester State students. Employees may purchase a semesterly pass for unlimited classes for $75/ semester. For more, up to date information on classes and membership click here.
Q: I have questions about use the equipment in the Fitness Center, can I get an orientation?
A: Absolutely, please contact Dean Bowen at dbowen2@worcester.edu.
Q: How do I register for Intramurals? Are there fees?
A: Registration for Intramurals is through imleagues.com. There is no fee. For up to date Intramural information click here.
Q: Is there a facility dress code?
A: The Wellness Center does employ a dress code for those that are using the programmatic areas. Both safety and the creation of a recreational atmosphere are at the core of the dress code policy. Athletically related clothing and footwear are required. Offensive or revealing clothing are not allowed. For the complete policy, please visit: http://wsulancers.com/information/facilities/wellness_center/Policies_-_Procedures#Dress%20Code
Q: What food and drinks are allowed in the facility?
A: Glass containers are prohibited at all times. Water is allowed in programmatic areas only if it is in an enclosed, unbreakable container. Soda, sport drinks, protein shakes, fruit juice, etc. are prohibited in programmatic areas of the Wellness Center including the Fitness Center.
Q: Can I join the Fitness Center for just a few months rather than pay for the annual membership?
A: For our faculty/staff we offer single day passes, months, semester, academic years, summer and annual memberships. Our Community and Alumni membership options are limited to day passes, summer or annual memberships. More information can be found here.
Q: Can my DeFeudis Fitness Center or Group Exercise membership be submitted for an insurance plan reimbursement?
A: Most health plans will provide a protocol for reimbursing Health and Wellness expenses. Please visit : http://wsulancers.com/information/fitness_-_wellness/Images/Insurance_Reimbursement.pdf to find out more information about reimbursement options. In most cases you simply need a receipt. Contact Dean Bowen at dbowen2@worcester.edu if you have any additional questions.